Friday, May 29, 2009

WOW is all I can say. Kylie's All Star team had their first tournament game tonight (didn't finish until after 9:00pm) and they WON! The intensity of the game was unbelievable. Like my Dad said " I am not sure how many of these my heart can take!" All I can say is the last two and a half weeks of working their A$$E$ off is definitely paying off! The girls looked absolutely amazing out there and beat an amazing team. Way to go Brookwood Broncos! We are so proud of you! On to our next game tomorrow at 1:00!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Enjoy!!!! (You will need sound for this!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh...My...Goodness! It has been almost 42 days without a post and boy do I have some catching up to do! It has definitely not been for lack of things to say...just more like a lack of time to say it. We have been quite the busy Ferrero Family this spring.
Let's start with Kylie! Softball season took up many of our nights and weekends at the ball field and we loved every minute of it. Her team ended up going from last place with a 6-6-1 record to second place in the championship. Not the worst to first we experienced last spring but we were still super excited with a second place finish. (Plus...I don't think there was any team that could beat the team we played) Just when we thought things were winding down we got the all anticipated call...Kylie made the All Star team! Wow...what an honor! (Have you noticed I really like to use dots ....?) So instead of slowing down, we have sped up. We thought we had no other lives than the ball field before and now she practices 6 days a week and we have 3 HUGE tournaments coming up. We could not be any more proud! I mean look at her....she's a natural and she looks good doing it! (We colored her hair pink for this game!) (See picture below..many more to come, I finally got my camera working!) Grandma and Grandpa from Florida were able to come to a game and although Kylie played her usual shy self while they were made her day! She could not believe that they drove "ALL THEY WAY" from their house in the "MOUNTAINS" to come see her play! (an hour drive to Kylie might as well take her to China). Uncle Reid, Ally, and Aubrianna made it to the championship game as well and even though Kylie was excited to see them, I think Makenzie was more excited to see her Aubry!

School is winding down for her. She officially has 6 days left before Summer break. The end of the year has been busy. She had 4 days of CRCT Testing (let me just state that I HATE standardized testing...I mean really...they can have amazing grades all year long and going to the second grade depends on 4 days of test...give me a freaking break!) Of course though she got through it with flying colors as only we would expect from her but I mean really, there are some kids who just don't test well. She had her Spring Carnival and both girls enjoyed themselves. Side note and funny story: While at the carnival Kylie, against my better judgement, played a game where the prize was a fish. Of course she won the fish. I asked her what we were going to do with it since her fish tank at the time held 3 butterfly cacoons that she had from some caterpillars that my dad and brother had caught. She did not care, she wanted that fish. When we got home Kylie and I had to fly like the wind to get ready for her softball game and so I put the fish in a glass and put it on our bread box. I specifically told Rian the fish was there and not to dump it out. As we are leaving the game I get the call from Rian. Rian: "Not sure how you want to explain this to Kylie but her fish is no longer alive" Me: "What, I told you not to throw it out!" Rian: " I didn't, I was doing some yard work and I came in and thought it was my glass of water." Me: "You drank the fish?" Rian: "Almost, but the fish water tasted so bad that I spit it out in the sink. I tried CPR but he was a goner!" Fortunately for us Kylie thought that was the funniest thing she had ever heard and the loss of the $0.10 fish was not such a big deal! She is still our smart, sweet, very emotional, careing, wonderful, curious, attitudey (6 going on 16), princess Kylie! (Who by the way...chose her All Star nickname on her jersey to be Pooh Bear...and after not remembering where that came from, she so kindly reminded me that is what her Uncle Tony has always called her!)

Now on to our Makenzie...our Kenzie Roo! ( If you ask her her name, she will tell you it is Tenzie, and then we ask...Kenzie what?...and she responds...Tenzie Roo Roo! We Michael...and she Tenzie Mietel...Tenzie Roo Roo! and we oblige...Ok baby girl...Tenzie Roo Roo!) Let me just Praise God that our baby girl accomplished the one thing that Mommy and Daddy wanted before her second birthday (which by the way is this Sunday!)....She is POTTY TRAINED! We are diaper free....even at night! (I told you I like dots.... and apparently these things ( ) too! ) The growth and language development that Makenzie has had in the last month is absolutely amazing to me! She can now sing her ABC's, count to 10, sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, etc. She is our little parrott and boy does she pick things up. Her newest saying as of today is "Oh, my, dosh!". She is facinated with things that fly and many times argues with me on wether or not we are hearing an "airpane" or a "helitopper". Most of the time she is right and I am the one saying I am wrong. Her whiney stubborness is still in full force but all I can say is she is just like her daddy! They are definitely two peas in a pod and she worships the ground that he walks on. Don't get me wrong...she still loves Mommy cuddles and love but she must know where her Daddy is at all times. She is most definately our challenging child and is a completely different experience than Kylie but we are enjoying every minute of every challenge she presents to us! Side note and funny story: My mother's day card from Makenzie that Rian picked out on the front had a pregnant belly and said "Mommy...what else can I say...You gave birth to me." On the inside it said, "So you have noone else to blame but yourself!" I got the biggest kick out of that!

8 Days Later...

See I told you that our lives are insanely crazy! I did not and have not had time to even finish that post. Kylie is now down to her last day of school tomorrow and she is so excited. She had her awards day last week and we were so proud of the 4 awards she brought home: Honor Roll, Citizenship Award (2 kids per class get this for their kindness and helpfulness to students and teachers of the school), Excellent Reader Award (for knowing all 220 of the first grade sight words), and last but not least, Most Helpful First Grader. Who wouldn't be proud? All Stars are in full swing and if anyone knows anyone that wants to help sponsor her team, we are trying to raise $2,000.00 for tournament costs, uniforms, helmets, etc. My dad's company has offered to match 50% of whatever we raise up to $1,000.00! Thanks ViaSat!

Makenzie's birthday has come and gone and WOW did we have a party! She got so many things and we thank everyone from family far away to those who were able to make it on Saturday. I am nervous to say this as I might jinx myself but as my dad said...It seems as though since Kenzie turned 2 she has seemed to exit her "Terrible Two" stage that she has been in since she was born! =) I am not sure if it is due to her vocabulary expanding in the last month and she is able to verbalize more things or just the growing up part. She did get a "Big Girl Bed" from her Nana and Papa and is no longer in the "Baby Crib"! We are now working on getting rid of the sleepy bottle. Yes...I said child still takes a bottle when she is sleepy! But hey...She is POTTY TRAINED...And....SLEEPS IN A BIG GIRL BED. Maybe it is Mommy still trying to hold onto something that still makes her "My Baby" because right now I feel like my baby is growing up and that scares the you know what out of me.

It is time to say goodnight and I hope that this finds everyone doing well. Also, just to plug a wonderful friend of ours. If any of you out there are in need of a very one of a kind purse, our great friend Amanda has some amazing skills over at Meishy. (Just click on the name and it will take you to her blog.) She is just getting started but stayed tuned for more to come.

So again...Good night sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

Not sure if I have posted this quote before but I love it and it so reflects what I am feeling right now....

"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body." -Elizabeth Stone