Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wow...11 days...almost 2 weeks. So sorry to keep everyone out of the loop. It is not due to a lack of happenings but more to an abundance of happenings that have kept us oh so busy. Kylie's softball is in full swing and takes up so much of our evenings and weekends. I have to say though that I love spending our "nights at the ballpark" watching our princess be the best softball player she can be. She really is doing amazing and improving greatly. If only the rain would go away. We have had 2 rain out games and both of the make up games have been rained out as well. As we stand right now we are 2 wins, 2 losses, and 1 tie. Go Brookwood Pink! School is going amazing for Kylie as it always seems to. She just got her last report card and made even more improvement than the last time. She is at all E's except 1 in PE (which she says she does not like) and her Benchmark and CRCT testing has all been above average. She is almost at a 3rd Grade reading level! Despite some serious mood swings lately she is still our amazingly wonderful Kylie.
Makenzie has now gone 1 week without an accident. She spends all day in panties and only wears a diaper at night for bed. She has gone the past two nights with a completely dry diaper so we are very hopeful that we will be completely out of diapers in the next couple weeks. It was my goal to have her completely potty trained before she was two and we are well on our way. It amazes me how far advanced she is from where Kylie was at, at this age except for her speech. She still struggles with many consonant sounds and several of her words sounds the same. The only way to tell the difference is based on the situation and her emphasis on certain parts of the word. For those of us around her, understand her.
We have been enjoying the warmer weather but are definitely tired of the rain. We still have more coming this week. Rian's work is going well and my company's business is finally picking up. Spring time brings new growth and for everyone, hopefully new opportunities. My sister-in-law Jessica got a new job as a Medical Assistant and we are so proud of her. She is enjoying her new position so far and things are looking really good her and my brother. We are anxiously awaiting the birth of our newest niece or nephew from Dain and Amy and are excited with the chance to go to Chicago this summer to meet the newest Ferrero family member. We are overjoyed with Allison's dad's clean bill of health and thank God for his healing. Good things are happening and a new season of positive change is among us. We praise God for all things good in our lives and pray for those that are struggling with his plan for their's. Remember to pay it forward. Put a smile on someone else's face...just because. Good night to all, and to all a Good night!

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." - Dale Carnegie